신선한 미풍

2017년 7월 23일 밤에, 간단한 글 본문


2017년 7월 23일 밤에, 간단한 글

어둠의골짜기 2017. 7. 23. 22:01

여기 최후의 메시지, 즉 유언의 내용입니다. 

동요하지 마시라고 말하고 있습니다.

여러분의 마음속에 한줄기의 법등을 켜 가십시오, 라고 하고 계십니다. 

여러분의 마음속에 늘 함께 하신다. 

생명의 영원을 알라고 또한 말하고 계십니다. 

하늘과 땅을 잇는 가교,

반성에 대한 내용이 들어 있는 책입니다. 

제목은 다르지만, 이미 제 블로그의 『가르침의 글 』에

여러 곳에서 내용을 알 수 있을 것입니다.

반성이란 자비이며 사랑입니다, 빛입니다.

믿고 안 믿고는, 여러분 각자의 몫입니다.

2 사람은, 같은 사람입니다. 

양귀비와 ...

아래의 그림은, 다 들 아시는. 

아래의 내용은, 번역은 하지 않겠습니다. 

마음과 행위에 관한, 반야심경을, 현대에 맞게 원설한 내용입니다. 

역시, 제 블로그에 여러 곳에서 발견하실 수 있는 내용입니다.


心 行


心行しんぎょうは 宇宙うちゅうの神理しんり

人間にんげんの心こころを 言霊ことだまによって表現ひょうげんしたものである

それゆえ心行しんぎょうは 拝おがむものでも 暗記あんきするものでもなく

これを理解りかいし 行おこなうものである



The message of the Truth of God is the manifestation of the true nature of the universe and of the human mind through the soul of words.These words should be neither worshiped nor memorized ,but rather comprehended and put into practice.The life of the True Law is in its actual practice.

われいま見聞けんもんし 正法しょうほうに帰依きえすることを得えたり

We have now seen and heard and taken refuge in the True Law.

広大こうだいなる宇宙体うちゅうたいは 万生万物ばんしょうばんぶつの根元こんげんにして

The vast body of the universe is the source of all that exists.

万生万物相互ばんしょうばんぶつそうごの作用さようにより 転生輪廻てんしょうりんねの法ほうに従したがう

All existents are in a state of interdependence and are subject to the Law of transmigration.


意識いしきは大宇宙体だいうちゅうたいを支配しはいし 万生万物ばんしょうばんぶつをして調和ちょうわの姿すがたを示しめさん

The great universe ,that great realm of nature, possesses consciousness. That consciousness controls the great body of the cosmos and causes all that exists to be in a state of harmony.


All creatures ,of every kind,exist in infinitely great compassion.

大宇宙体だいうちゅうたいは意識いしきの当体とうたいにして 意識いしきの中心ちゅうしんは心こころなり

The great body of the cosmos is the actual body of consciousness of God ,and at the center of consciousness is the heart of God.

心こころは慈悲じひと愛あいの塊かたまりにして 当体とうたい・意識いしきは不二ふじなることを悟さとるべし

We should realize that the heart is compassion and love and that body and consciousness are indivisible ,identical with each other .

この大意識だいいしきこそ 大宇宙大神霊だいうちゅうだいしんれい・仏ほとけなるべし

神仏しんぶつなるがゆえに 当体とうたいは大神体だいしんたいなり

This great consciousness is the Great Universe,the Great Spirit of God,and the buddhas. Being God and the buddhas ,the body of consciousness is the body of God . 

この現象界げんしょうかいにおける太陽系たいようけいは 大宇宙体だいうちゅうたいの 小ちいさな諸器官しょきかんのひとつにすぎず

地球ちきゅうは 小ちいさな細胞体さいぼうたいなることを知しるべし

We should know that in this phenomenal universe,our solar system is no more than a small organ of the great body of the cosmos and that the earth is a tiny cell of a larger organ.

当体とうたいの細胞さいぼうなるがゆえに 細胞さいぼうに意識いしきあり

Being a cell of the body of consciousness ,the cell itself has consciousness .

かくのごとく 万物ばんぶつすべて生命せいめいにして エネルギーの塊かたまりなることを悟さとるべし

大宇宙体だいうちゅうたいは大神体だいしんたいなるがゆえに この現象界げんしょうかいの地球ちきゅうも神体しんたいなり

Because the great body of the cosmos is the body of God,this phenomenal world that is the planet Earth is also the body of God.

神体しんたいなるがゆえに 大神殿だいしんでんなるべし

大神殿だいしんでんは 万生ばんしょう 魂たましいの修行所しゅぎょうじょなり

Being the body of God,it is the great temple of God.The great temple is the training ground for the souls of every being.

諸々もろもろの諸霊しょれい みなここに集あつまれり

諸霊しょれいの輪廻りんねは 三世さんぜの流転るてん



Spirits of every kind are gathered here.

Transmigration of these spirits through the cycle of the three realms of past,present, and future allows the refinement of the souls in the phenomenal world so that the buddha-land, Utopia,may be built in accordance with the will of God. 

さらに 宇宙体万生うちゅうたいばんしょうが 神意しんいにかなう 調和ちょうわのとれた世界せかいを建設けんせつせんがため


We should further realize that all existents in the body of the cosmos pursure spiritual training in order to create a world of harmony conforming to the will of God .

過去世かこせ 現世げんせ 来世らいせの三世さんぜは 生命流転せいめいるてんの過程かていにして


We should know that the three realms of past , present,and future are the stage for the transmigration of life and that transmigration is eternally unchanging. 

過去世かこせは 己おのれが修行しゅぎょうせし前世ぜんせ

すなわち 過すぎ去さりし実在界じつざいかいと現象界げんしょうかいの世界せかいなり

The realm of the past is the worlds of reality and phenomena we passed through when training ourselves in previous states of existence.

現世げんせは生命せいめい・物質ぶっしつ不二ふじの現象界げんしょうかい この世界せかいのことなり

熱ねつ 光ひかり 環境かんきょう いっさいを含ふくめて エネルギーの塊かたまりにして


The realm of the present is this phenomenal world,where life and matter are identical. Everything -heat and light and the environment itself -is itself the energy of God and the training ground for our consciousness of life. 

神仏しんぶつより与あたえられし 慈悲じひと愛あいの環境かんきょうなることを感謝かんしゃすべし

We should give thanks for the environment of compassion and love bestowed upon us by God and the buddhas. 

来世らいせは次元じげんの異ことなる世界せかいにして 現象界げんしょうかいの肉体にくたいを去さりし諸霊しょれいの世界せかいなり

The realm of the future is a state of a different dimension and is the world of the spirits that have left their physicalbodies of the phenomenal world. 

意識いしきの調和度ちょうわどにより 段階だんかいあり

There are levels of mental states according to the degree of harmonization of consciousness. 

この段階だんかいは 神仏しんぶつの心こころと己おのれの心こころの調和度ちょうわどによる 光ひかりの量りょうの区域くいきなり

They are the areas of the amount of light created by the degree of harmony between our heart and the hearts of God and the buddhas.

神仏しんぶつと表裏一体ひょうりいったいの諸霊しょれいは 光明こうみょうに満みち

実在じつざいの世界せかいにあって 諸々もろもろの諸霊しょれいを善導ぜんどうする光ひかりの天使てんしなり

光ひかりの天使てんし すなわち 諸如来しょにょらい 諸菩薩しょぼさつのことなり

Spirits at one with Got and the buddhas are filled with the light of God and are God’s messengers of light who wisely guide other spirits from the world of reality .They are called tathagatas and bodhisattvas. 

この現象界げんしょうかいは 神仏しんぶつよりいっさいの権限けんげんを 光ひかりの天使てんしに委ゆだねしところなり

The phenomenal world has been entrusted to them by God and the buddhas

光ひかりの天使てんしは慈悲じひと愛あいの塊かたまりにして あの世よ この世よの諸霊しょれいを導みちびかん

They are compassion and love and guide the spirits in both this and other realms.

さらに 諸天善神しょてんぜんじんあり

諸々もろもろの諸霊しょれいを いっさいの魔まより守まもり 正ただしき衆生しゅじょうを擁護ようごせん

There are also heavenly gods ,who protect the spirits from evil and assist righteous sentient beings. 

肉体にくたいを有ゆうする現世げんせの天使てんしは 諸々もろもろの衆生しゅじょうに正法神理しょうほうしんりを説とき 調和ちょうわの光明こうみょうへ導みちびかん

Those of God’s messenngers who have a physical body in this world preach the True Law ,the Truth of God ,and lead being to the light of harmony.


過去世かこせにおいて 己おのれが望のぞみ 両親りょうしんより与あたえられし 肉体にくたいという舟ふねに乗のり

人生航路じんせいこうろの海原うなばらへ 己おのれの意識いしき・魂たましいを磨みがき

神意しんいの仏国土ぶつこくどを造つくらんがため 生うまれ出いでたることを悟さとるべし

We should realize that we now in this phenomenal world are voyaging across the sea of life in the physical vessel given us by the parents we chose while in the other realm in order to refine our consciousness,our soul,and to create the buddha-land in conformity with the will of God.

肉体にくたいの支配者しはいしゃは 己おのれの意識いしきなり 

The master of our pysical body is our own consciousness 


心こころは実在じつざいの世界せかいに通つうじ 己おのれの守護しゅご・指導霊しどうれいが 常つねに善導ぜんどうせることを忘わすれるべからず

In the center of consciousness is the heart. We should be aware that the heart makes contact with the world of reality and that the spirits assigned to protect and guide us always lead us wisely. 

善導ぜんどうせるがために 己おのれの心こころは 己自身おのれじしんに忠実ちゅうじつなることを知しるべし

Because they lead us wisely ,our heart is faithfulto ourself. 

しかるに 諸々もろもろの衆生しゅじょうは 己おのれの肉体にくたいに 意識いしき・心こころが支配しはいされ

己おのれが前世ぜんせの約束やくそくを忘わすれ 自己保存じこほぞん 自我我欲じががよくに明あけ暮くれて

己おのれの心こころの魔まに支配しはいされ 神意しんいに反はんし この現象界げんしょうかいを過すぎ行ゆかん

However,the hearts of many are controlled by their physical bodies,and they forget the promises made in the realm of the past and pass through this phenomenal world concerned only with self-preservation,selfishness,and selfish desires governed by the evil in their hearts and acting against the will of God.

また 生老病死しょうろうびょうしの苦くるしみを受うけ 己おのれの本性ほんしょうも忘わすれ去さるものなり


We suffer from birth,sickness,old age,and death,forgetting our own true nature.The cause of this is the defilements.

煩悩ぼんのうは 眼げん・耳にい・鼻び・舌ぜつ・身しん・意いの六根ろっこんが根元こんげんなり

The defilements originate in the six sense organs -the eyes,ears,nose,tongue,body,and mind. 

六根ろっこんの調和ちょうわは 常つねに中道ちゅうどうを根本こんぽんとして 己おのれの正ただしい心こころに問とうことなり

To harmonize the six sense organs is to pay attention to right mind,based on the Middle Way.


反省はんせいの心こころは 己おのれの魂たましいが浄化じょうかされることを悟さとるべし

To pay attention to the mind is to reflect on ourselves.We should realize that a reflecting mind purifies the soul.


意識いしきのなかに己おのれに関連かんれんせし 守護しゅご・指導霊しどうれいの存在そんざいを知しるべし

We are not alone.We should be aware that guiding and protecting spirits are with us in our consciousness.

守護しゅご・指導霊しどうれいに感謝かんしゃし さらに反省はんせいは

己おのれの守護しゅご・指導霊しどうれいの 導みちびきを受うけることを知しるべし

We should thank them and understand that reflection helps us receive their guidance more adequately.

六根ろっこんあるがゆえに 己おのれが悟さとれば 菩提ぼだいと化かすことを悟さとるべし

We should realize that correct understanding of the six sense organs leads to the enlightened state (buddhahood)

神仏しんぶつの大慈悲だいじひに感謝かんしゃし 万生相互ばんしょうそうごの調和ちょうわの心こころが 神意しんいなることを悟さとるべし

We should thank God and the buddhas for their great compassion and realize that a spirits of harmony among all that exists is the will of God.

肉体先祖にくたいせんぞに報恩供養ほうおんくようの心こころを忘わすれず 両親りょうしんに対たいしては 孝養こうようを尽つくすべし

We should have a sense of gratitude to our ancestors,physically linked to us,and show devotion to our parents.

心身しんしんを調和ちょうわし 常つねに健全けんぜんな生活せいかつをし 平和へいわな環境かんきょうを造つくるべし

We should harmonize our body and mind,always lead a sound life,and create a peaceful environment. 

肉体保存にくたいほぞんのエネルギー源げんは 万生ばんしょうを含ふくめ 動物どうぶつ・植物しょくぶつ・鉱物こうぶつなり

All that exists-animals,plants,minerals-is the source of energy for the sustenance of our physical body. 


日々ひびの生活せいかつの中なかにおいて 己おのれの魂たましいを修行しゅぎょうすべし

Aware of a sense of gratitude to these energy sources,we should spiritually train ourselves in our daily lives.


調和ちょうわのとれた日々ひびの生活せいかつのなかに 神仏しんぶつより与あたえられることを悟さとるべし

By leading daily lives that are harmonious,we will more strongly receive the source of our heart’s energy from God and the buddhas. 

己おのれの肉体にくたいが苦くるしめば 心脳乱こころのうらんし わが身楽みらくなれば 情欲じょうよくに愛着あいちゃくす

Physical suffering becomes spiritual suffering.Without physical suffering,we are apt to feel attachment to sensual desires.


Neither joy nor suffering is the basis for true enlightenment.

苦楽くらくの両極りょうきょくを捨すて 中道ちゅうどうに入いり 自己保存じこほぞん 自我我欲じががよくの煩悩ぼんのうを捨すてるべし

Abandoning both extremes and entering the Middle Way,we extinguish the defilements of self-preservation,selfishness,and selfish desires. 


正ただしく見み 正ただしく思おもい 正ただしく語かたり 正ただしく仕事しごとをなし 正ただしく生いき

正ただしく道みちに精進しょうじんし 正ただしく念ねんじ 正ただしく定じょうに入いるべし

With all phenomena we must exercise right view, right thought,right speech ,right work,right living,right effort,right mindfulness,and right meditation. 


神仏しんぶつの光明こうみょうを得え 迷まよいの岸きしより 悟さとりの彼岸ひがんに到達つうたつするものなり

It is in this way,in the life of the True Law, that we receive the light of God and the buddhas and from the shore of delusion reach the other shore of enlightenment .

このときに 神仏しんぶつの心こころと己おのれの心こころが調和ちょうわされ 心こころに安やすらぎを生しょうぜん

At that moment,our heart is harmonized with the hearts of God and the buddhas and peace of mind results. 

心こころは光明こうみょうの世界せかいに入いり 三昧さんまいの境涯きょうがいに到達とうたつせん

Entering the world of light,the heart reaches the perfect stateof concentration(samadhi). 

( この諸説しょせつは末法万年まっぽうまんねんの神理しんりなることを悟さとり 日々ひびの生活せいかつの師しとすべし )

( This message is the eternal Turuth of God.We should live according to this truth.)

2016.11.27 (日曜日)UP


오늘의 일기는, 여기까지입니다. 

아, 그리고, 

마음의 척도, 즉 기준을 어디에 두는가에 따라서, 

진정한 마음의 조화 즉 평온함과, 

동요된 불안함 즉 괴로움이 만들어 집니다. 

아, 참고로, 몇 일 전에, 제가 몇 번인가, 통화를 하셨던, 경상북도 분이신데, 

문자가 왔습니다.

제 블로그가 없어질지도 모른다, 고 하시며, 

또한 제가, 늘 말하는, 

나는 미래를 믿지 않는다, 바로 지금 이순간이, 나의 삶의 전부이다, 라고 말하서

죽음을 생각하고 있지 않나? 라며, 

염려를 하고 계셨습니다.

그런 뜻이 아니었는데 말이죠.

다행스런 것은, 

이제는, 제 블로그 ((신선한 미풍))에 들어오지 않아도, 

인터넷으로 검색어를 쓰면, 

여러 곳에서, 

다카하시 신지(高橋信次)님이 글들을 읽을 수 있다고 말씀하시고 계십니다.

참으로, 좋은 현상이 아닐 수 없습니다. 

기초는, 제가 닦은 셈이지만, 

여러분들이 지금 삶에서 행하고 계십니다. 

오늘의 선물입니다. 여러분들께 드리는, 


믿지 않으시던 여러분 자유입니다만,

【 偉大なる出家 】『위대한 출가 』

≪ 正法誌88号 1985年12月号  정법지 88호 1985년 12월호. 

 特輯 如来を呼べ - 運命を修正するには ・・・ より ≫중에서, 짧은 내용입니다. 

특집 여래를 불러라 ------운명을 수정하기 위해서는........에서, 

高橋先生は、「この地球上の人類の指導の責任は、神より私に委ねられてあるのです。なにかあったら私の名を呼びなさい。私の本を読んだ人、私の話を聞いた人の心のテープレコーダーには、私のいったことが金色の文字で書かれております。私の名を呼ぶことによってその心の記憶が甦り、救われてゆきます」といっていられた。 다카하시 선생님은, " 이 지구상의 인류의 지도의 책임은, 신으로부터 자신(신지님)에게 맡겨져 있는 것이며,  무슨 일이 있으면, 제 이름(신지님)을 부르십시오. 

제 책을 읽은 분, 제 말을 들은 분의 마음의 테이프 레코더에는, 

제가 말한 것이 황금색의 문자로 적혀 있습니다.

제 이름을 부르는 것에 의해서 그 마음의 기억이 소생되어, 도움(구원)이 되어 갑니다"라고 말하고 계십니다...........

위 내용은, 이미 있습니다. 제 블로그에...

오늘은, 여기까지입니다. 

